Our school mission statement is “Learning Shapes Lives”.

This belief drives our staff to by provide the best learning and care for all our students. We put the young person at the centre of everything we do as we strive to give the best possible educational experience for students with additional needs, special educational needs and disabilities. We work closely with the young person, the parents/guardians and teaching staff to adapt provision and allow students to thrive.

Staff follow the principles outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2014) to meet the needs of students based around the four main areas of need; Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social and Emotional Mental Health, Physical and Sensory.

We follow the Graduated response approach:

Stage 1 – Universal Provision – Quality First Teaching is the provision that is universal for all students. The majority of students needs will be met through this provision. Quality First Teaching focuses on high quality teaching and learning strategies for all, and responsive teaching that differentiates effectively and meets individual needs within lessons.

Stage 2 – School Send Support – Targeted Provision is additional provision, normally in the form of small-group interventions. These programs are time bonded and aim to accelerate progress and enable students to work at age-related expectations.

Stage 3 – Specialist SEND Support – On rare occasions, targeted provision for individuals is necessary to ensure a young person can access learning and achieve. This may include higher levels of one to one support and specialist interventions from the local authority.

If students do not make progress at Stage 1 or 2 of the graduated response our Heads of Faculty and Year Team Leads refer students to the SEN Department for further consideration and investigation. Testing measures are in place to correctly identify student needs and the necessary provision to support students in reaching their potential.

For SEND enquiries please email