
To empower students to become confident in themselves, better communicators with others, empathetic world citizens and lifelong lovers of the arts. Students will develop a broad range of performance skills that they will use throughout their time at school, and that they can take with them on the next stage of their lives. Drama at TMCS is joyful and promotes wellbeing and happiness in our students.

Students will learn to become writers, performers, designers and directors. Students will develop a broad foundation in performance skills and how to shape and devise original drama. Students will aspire to achieve the very best in the many opportunities on offer either backstage or in performance. They will learn more about the world and each other through carefully selected texts and topics designed to enrich and inform. Students will gain a broad understanding of the key minds, movements and texts that have shaped modern theatre. Through mutual relationships based in respect they will leave TMCS as well-rounded and conscientious world citizens.